FAQs about the search engine optimization tool.

Learn SEO with rankingCoach

Business owner and a screen showing a search engine results page

What is rankingCoach?

RankingCoach is your personal SEO (search engine optimization) teacher and trainer. It gives you easy-to-follow instructions to optimize your website so customers can find it easier on search engines like Google.

rankingCoach monitors your competition, makes keyword suggestions, notifies you when you get a new review, and checks how you're doing on social media. You can even set up targeted search engine advertising with it to reach more potential customers.

Get started with SEO

What can rankingCoach do?

RankingCoach helps you optimize your website step by step, leading to a better ranking on search engines. The better your ranking is, the more visits your website will see!

You can also use it to start your own search engine advertising (SEA) campaigns with Google AdWords. RankingCoach lets you preview how your ads appear on Google and estimates how many clicks you can expect per day.

Start, pause, or end campaigns anytime and get more out of your ad budget.

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Google search engine advertising with ad highlighted at the top

How do I get started with rankingCoach?

Once you've created your account, rankingCoach checks your website. Based on this analysis, you'll get a custom list of changes for improving your site. Helpful video tutorials will show you exactly what to do.

Before you know it, your website will move up the search rankings!

Get started with SEO
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