Jamstack for modern web development

Build faster websites through prerendering and leaner hosting.

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Why you should develop with Jamstack

Jamstack websites are faster, safer, and less resource-intensive than traditional websites.

Peak loading times

Unlike classic hosting, static websites don't need the backend to render the site. The result? Near-instant loading.

Tighter security

Moving server functions to microservices reduces exposure to hacking and other threats.

Cost efficiency

Lower server-side computing demands mean you'll save money on servers.

Getting started with Jamstack

Build your first Jamstack site and host it with Deploy Now from IONOS.

Power static websites

Jamstack sets the new standard in website development by utilizing the increased processing power of end devices and today's browser capabilities to bring static websites to life with JavaScript and APIs. Jamstack also handles functions like payment services or user authentication via APIs instead of relying on server-side databases.

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Minimize response times

With Jamstack, you can deploy static websites directly from the web server. This both minimizes response times and reduces security risks by eliminating the need for error-prone or compromised source code.

Dynamic vs. Static Architecture

Prerender for better UX

There's a static site generator now for just about every programming language. Generally, they work with a file structure that renders all the subsequent pages of a website in one go.

Unlike classic server-based websites that require scripts and databases, a static site generator doesn't require costly server queries.

This means your content loads faster and you improve the user experience.

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Static site generator

Easy editing with a headless CMS

Using a headless CMS, Jamstack page content can be edited by just about anyone without editing or rewriting code.

Headless CMS work solely with the backend, and it isn't coupled to a particular output. Content is stored and delivered to the Jamstack website from the headless CMS via an API.

The headless CMS also serves as a prerendering repository for the static site generator.

Learn more about headless CMS
Deploy now Headless CMS

Launch your Jamstack site with Deploy Now

Deploy your static sites from GitHub without any build or bandwidth restrictions directly on georedundant, DDoS-protected infrastructure.

Deploy Now membership

Sign up as a member and get the first three projects for free. Included with each project:

  • SSL-secure production deployment
  • 1 staging deployment with preview URL
  • 50 MB storage space per deployment

Building websites for clients?

Jamstack is the right choice for quick client websites. Learn more in our free white paper.

Work with developer-friendly CI/CD workflows and Git tools.

Rank better thanks to faster web architecture.

Enjoy simpler staging and versioning for faster client feedback.

Reduce resource demands making scaling cheaper and more flexible.

Give clients and editors more convenience using a headless CMS.

Cut security and downtime risks by decoupling the frontend.

Host a Jamstack site

Learn more about Jamstack und CI/CD

Digital Guide Static Site Generatoren
Static site generators
Create your own web project
Digital Guide Jeckyll
Handy static site generator
Digital Guide Headless CMS
Headless CMS
Get more from your own content
Digital Guide Continous Integration
Continuous integration explained

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