.info is the global online standard domain name for providing information.
A .info domain at IONOS includes the following features:
A professional email address (for example: me@mycompany.com) connected to your domain with 2 GB of mailbox space to start. Upgrade anytime for more space.
For reliable protection of your website visitors and to increase your ranking on Google, one SSL Wildcard Certificate is included per contract.
Up to 10,000 subdomains to customize and structure your website, for example: news.mycompany.com.
One-click activation makes it easy to connect your domain with email, hosting, or social media profiles.
The domain transfer lock ensures your domain cannot be transferred by unauthorized third parties.
Our professional, knowledgeable support team is always available for help and advice, 24/7.
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At IONOS, you have a dedicated contact person for personalized advice, tips to boost your online success, and technical support. Reach them via phone, chat and email, all at no cost to you as an IONOS customer.