For the Website Builder and MyWebsite

With new elements, you can add many useful functions to your website, such as images, tables or social media buttons.

This article describes a function of the editor that was ordered before 09/06/2017.
Please select your editor version.

Step-by-Step Tutorial

In the following we will show you how to insert elements using the example of a text element. Other elements can then be inserted according to the same principle.

To insert the Text Field element, proceed as follows:

Step 1
Step 2
  • On the main menu, click Insert Elements.

  • step 3
  • An overview of all elements appears. Under Basics, select the Text Box item.

  • Step 4
  • Drag the text field into the content area of your web page.

    Step 5
  • The text field is dynamically enlarged the more text you enter. The text is saved automatically as soon as you click with the mouse pointer on another area outside the field on your website.

  • Please note: Changes to the page contents take effect immediately and are therefore online! If you want to make corrections or changes to existing content, simply click on the respective element - here the text field - again.