Valid for MyWebsite Now.

This article explains how to add a product gallery to your MyWebsite Now with content from an associated shop. If the information displayed, e.g. price or description, changes in your shop, this information will also be updated on your website after a new publication.


  • MyWebsite Now-Tariff with shop
  • Initially set up shop

Calling up the MyWebsite Now editor

  • Log in to your IONOS account.
  • In the title bar, click onMenu > Websites & Shops.
    Optional: If you have several MyWebsite Now projects, select the corresponding contract.
  • In the tile with the name of your online project, click on the buttonMyWebsite Now Open. You will find this tile on the right-hand side of the browser window. The Presence Suite for this project opens.
  • In the Presence Suite menu bar, select the item Website editor. MyWebsite Now opens in a new window.

Insert product gallery

  • In the left-hand menu bar of the MyWebsite Now editor, select the item Contents.
  • In the detail window, move the mouse pointer over the section in which the product gallery is to be placed and click on the button Section options. Details on the section options are displayed between the left menu bar and the detail window after activation. Please note that the button Section options button is only displayed when the mouse pointer is positioned over the section.
  • Click on Section options > Elements. The section displays plus signs are displayed in the section where you can insert a product gallery.
  • Click on a plus sign and select the Product gallery element from the selection that appears.
  • Click on the placeholder that appears to specify the number of gallery images displayed.
  • Move the mouse over the product gallery element you have just inserted and select the Design > Elements button to permanently display the desired shop information, e.g. product name and price.


  • Please note that after changing shop information, your MyWebsite Now must be republished for the changes to be displayed.

  • The article "Guide to product details" provides information on how to change product information for the shops at MyWebsite Now and MyWebsite Creator.