For Cloud Servers and Dedicated Servers with AlmaLinux 8 and 9 and Rocky Linux 8 and 9, which are managed in the Cloud Panel

This article explains how to install and configure OpenVPN on a server with AlmaLinux 8, AlmaLinux 9, Rocky Linux 8, or Rocky Linux 9 installed.

To use a VPN, you must install the OpenVPN software on the local PC and then configure it. In the Access section, you can download a zip file containing the required configuration file. How to install and configure OpenVPN:

Install OpenVPN

  • You have administrator rights.
  • You have already created a VPN in the Cloud Panel.
  • You have logged in with your local PC.

OpenVPN is not available in the standard repository. The software is available in the EPEL repository.

  • To install the EPEL repository, enter the following command:

    [root@localhost ~]# yum install epel-release

  • The following message is displayed:

    Is this ok [y/N] :

  • Enter y and press the Enter key.
  • The EPEL repository is now installed.
  • To install OpenVPN, enter the following command:

    [root@localhost ~]# yum install openvpn

  • The following message is displayed:

    Install 2 Packages

    Total download size: 715 k
    Installed size: 1.9 M
    Is this ok [y/N]:

  • Enter y and press the Enter key.
  • The following message is displayed:

    Importing GPG key 0x3228467C:
    Userid : "Fedora (epel9) <>" Fingerprint: FF8A D134 4597 106E CE81 3B91 8A38 72BF 3228 467C From : /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-EPEL-9
    Is this ok [y/N]:

  • Enter y.

    OpenVPN is now installed.

Configure OpenVPN

How to configure OpenVPN:

  • Log in to your IONOS account.
  • Click Menu > Servers & Cloud in the title bar .
    Optional: Select the desired Server & Cloud contract.

    The Cloud Panel opens

  • Click on Network > VPN in the navigation bar on the left.

  • Activate the desired VPN.

  • To download the configuration file, click on Download in the Access area.

  • Save the zip file.


This zip file contains the configuration file.

  • Install unzip. To do this, enter the following command on the server:

    [root@localhost ~]# yum install unzip

  • Unzip the zip file in the installation directory /etc/openvpn. To do this, enter the following command:

    [root@localhost ~]# sudo unzip <vpnID>.ovpn -d /PATH/DIRECTORY


    [root@localhost ~]# sudo unzip vpn45BC7.ovpn -d /etc/openvpn

  • OpenVPN is installed in the /etc/openvpn directory by default.

  • If you are using a local computer with a Windows operating system, you can transfer the files easily and conveniently using the WinSCP application. WinSCP is a graphical open source SFTP and FTP client for Windows. You can download WinSCP from the following page:

  • To start OpenVPN, enter the following command:

    [root@localhost ~]# openvpn /etc/openvpn/<vpnID>.ovpn


    [root@localhost ~]# openvpn /etc/openvpn/vpn45BC7_1.ovpn