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    Virtual Servers are virtualized using Virtuozzo. A Virtuozzo container has certain resource limits or guarantees, known as user bean counters (UBCs).

    Here you will find an overview of the most important UBCs:

    Parameter Declaration Value for Virtual Server M from October 2014 Value for Virtual Server L from October 2014 Value for Virtual Server XL from October 2014 Value for Virtual Server XXL from October 2014
    vCore Maximum computing power, converted to vCores (1 vCore vCore corresponds to up to approx. 2,000 MHz processor power) 1 2 4 6
    Numproc Maximum number of concurrent processes 128 256 384 512
    Kmemsize Maximum amount of memory that can be reserved for the kernel. Each process consumes a certain amount of kernel memory, at least 24 KB and typically 30-60 KB. 40 MB 40 MB 40 MB 40 MB 60 MB
    Numfiles Maximum number of open files 4.096 8.192 16.834 24.576
    Inodes Maximum number of inodes 250.000 500.00 750.000 1.000.000