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    The following video explains how to create a Cloud Server. Below the video is a step-by-step guide explaining the different configurations and selectable options.

    This video is hosted on YouTube, which you can find more information about here.

    • The creation of Cloud Servers is only possible in the Cloud Panel if you have previously created a Cloud Server or a Dedicated Server that is managed in the Cloud Panel. In this case, you can create another Cloud Panel using the same contract in the Cloud Server.

    • If you have ordered a vServer before and want to create an additional Cloud Server, you need to order it on the following page: https://www.ionos.com/cloud/cloud-server

    Guided Steps

    • Log in to IONOS and click on the Servers & Cloud tile. If necessary, select the contract you want to use.

    • In the Infrastructure > Server section, click the down arrow next to the Create button.

    • Click on Cloud Server.

    • Enter the desired server name.

    • Select the desired configuration for the server.

    • servers with a fixed configuration are offered at a discounted price.

    • If you turn off a server with a fixed configuration, the posted charges will still apply.

    • Once the server is created, the disk size cannot be reduced.

    • Optional: Assign a block of storage.

    • In the Images section, select the operating system for the server.

    Image Description
    IONOS Images These images, validated by IONOS, contain the full operating system.
    Applications These images contain a specific, pre-installed software. Once the server is created, you can use this software.
    ISO These images correspond to the original installation DVDs of Windows and Linux. Once the server is operational, you must start the KVM console and install the operating system on the server. For operating systems with more than one installation DVD, you must start with the first one first. You can switch DVDs under the menu item DVD Drive.
    My Images When the My Images tab is displayed, you must create at least one image from an existing server. This must be located in the same IONOS data center. If you use your own image to create a new server, this will clone the original server. The credentials to the newly installed server are identical to those of the original servers.
    • Custom images can only be used in the IONOS data center in which they were created. If you want to use custom images in multiple data centers to create new servers, you must create at least 1 image in each IONOS data center.

    • ISO images do not contain license keys. Depending on the operating system you choose, you may be required to enter a license key. This may have to be provided by you.

    • Optional: Select the additional software you want to use.

      • SQL Server: If you selected the Microsoft Windows operating system, you can optionally install SQL Server. SQL Server is a relational database management and analysis system from Microsoft.

      • Plesk Obsidian: If you selected Microsoft Windows, Ubuntu, CentOS, or Debian, you can optionally install Plesk Obsidian.

    • Select the desired data center and Availability Zone. Availability Zones consist of several isolated, physical locations within a data center. They are coupled via dedicated, regional networks and are designed with redundancy.

    • The shorter the geographical distance between your servers and the users or visitors, the shorter the loading times. In order to optimize the loading time, it is recommended to select an IONOS data center that is located as close as possible to your users or your visitors.

    • The following resources must be set up separately for each data center:

      Shared Storages
      Load Balancer
      Private Networks

    • Firewall and monitoring policies can be assigned to all servers regardless of the IONOS data center selected.

    • To be able to create backups of this server, select the Protect server data with backups option in the Backup section. Images that are compatible with the Backup Agent already have this option enabled. Then, select the desired predefined protection plan. If you have not yet set up a backup package or want to switch to a larger package, then select the desired backup package. The backup agent is automatically installed as part of the server creation process.

      Backups are managed via the Backup Console. You can access this in the Backup > Backup Package section of the Cloud Panel.

    Please Note

    If you select an image that is not compatible with Backup Agent, it will not be installed automatically as part of the server creation process. To create backups in this case, you must download and manually install the Backup Agent in the Backup > Backup Package section after creating the server.

    • If you have enabled the Protect server data with backups option in the Backup section, click the rectangular icon in the following sentence to access more information about the Privacy Policy information: Click here for more information about the Privacy Policy.

    • In the More Settings section, click View.

    • In the Password field, enter and repeat the password to access the server.

    • Optional: If you are installing a Linux distribution, you can select one or more public keys in the SSH Key field to use public key authentication. Alternatively, you can import a new SSH key.

    Please Note

    Public key authentication is an authentication method that allows you to log in securely without a password. This method uses a private key and a public key for user authentication. The public key must be stored in the Cloud Panel for key authentication to be set up on the server. Here, the public key is automatically entered into the root/.ssh/authorized_keys file. The private key is stored locally on the user's own computer and can also be protected with a password.

    • Optional: If you install a Linux distribution, you can disable SSH password authentication. In this case, only authentication using public key authentication is possible.

    • Optional: To customize your server after creation, add the desired post-creation script in the Cloud-Init User Data field and then select the script type.

    Please Note

    The script is processed and executed by cloud-init after the server is created. This free software can run the following scripts:


    • Cloud Config

    • Shell scripts

    • Text-only

    Microsoft Windows:

    • Powershell Scripts

    • Command Line Scripts

    • Text-only

    • In the Distribution of Processors and Cores area, select the desired distribution of processors and cores.

    • Check the system requirements of the operating system and the software you want to install before you specify the distribution of processors and cores.

    • Check whether the software you are installing is licensed on a per-user basis or a per-core basis before determining the distribution of processors and cores.

    • In the Firewall Policy list, select a firewall policy.

    • In the Public IP list, specify whether to assign an existing or a new public IP to the server.

    • Optional: In the Private Network field, select whether to create a private network. Alternatively, you can assign the server to an existing private network. 

    • Click Create.

      The server will now be created.

    Please Note

    For security reasons, SMTP port 25 (outgoing) is blocked. If you would like to unblock the SMTP port, please contact IONOS Customer Support.