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    This article explains how to restore a backup to a Dedicated Server that has Ubuntu 22.04, Ubuntu 24.04 or AlmaLinux 9 installed.

    To restore a backup to a Dedicated Server that has Ubuntu 22.04, Ubuntu 24.04 or AlmaLinux 9 installed, you first need to generate a registration token in the backup console and boot the server into the Acronis Restore System. You must then also make manual network adjustments in the Acronis Restore System. You can then restore the backup. To do this, proceed as follows:

    Generate registration token

    The registration token is created in the backup console and is required later to restore the backup. How to create a registration token:

    • Log in to your IONOS account.
    • Click on the  Server & Cloud tile. If you have multiple server contracts, select the desired contract.

    • Click Backup > Backup package in the navigation bar on the left.
    • In the Administration area next to the location of your server (e.g. Europe), click on Access to the backup console. The backup console opens in a new window.
    • In the navigation bar on the left, click on Devices > All devices.
    • Click Add at the top of the menu bar.
    • Scroll down to the menu item Registration token and click on GENERATE.
    • Click on GENERATE TOKEN.
    • Make a note of the token.

    Determine the name of the server in the backup console

    The servers registered in the backup console have different names. It is therefore necessary to determine the name the server you want to restore is registered under in the backup console. To do this, proceed as follows:

    • In the navigation bar on the left, click on Devices > All devices.
    • Click on the cogwheel icon next to the desired server.
    • Click on Details. A window with the server details opens.
    • To identify the server, check the IP address.
    • Close the window.
    • Make a note of the server name found.
    • Close the backup console.

    Boot into the Acronis Restore System

    • Open the Cloud Panel.
    • Click on Infrastructure > Server in the navigation bar on the left.
    • Activate the server you want to restore the backup on.
    • Click on Actions > Restart.
    • Activate the Rescue System option and select the Acronis restore system.
    • Click Yes.

      The server is booted into the Acronis restore system. It usually takes approx. 10 - 15 minutes for this process to be completed. As soon as the boot process is complete, a blue dot is displayed in the Status column. The message On (Rescue System) also appears.

    Configure the network settings of the Acronis Restore system

    • In the Infrastructure > Server area of the Cloud Panel, click on Actions > Start VNC console.
    • In the Bootable Backup Agent window, click Configure network.
    • Ensure the eth0 network interface is selected.
    • Deactivate the Auto configuration option.
    • Enter the IP address of your server in the field IP address:
    • In the field Subnet mask: enter the subnet mask
    • In the field Default gateways: enter the gateway
    • In the field DNS servers: enter the DNS server
    • Click on OK.

    Register medium

    • In the Bootable Backup Agent window, click on Register Media. The Registration window opens.
    • Make sure the URL https://backup.1and1.com is entered in the Server field.
    • Enter the token you have generated in the Registration token field.
    • Click on Register. The Recovery Bootable Media window opens.
    • Click on Tools > Change Volume Representation in the menu bar at the top.
    • Activate the Linux-like representation option and click OK. The Bootable Backup window is reloaded. This may take a few minutes.
    • In the Bootable Backup Agent window, click on Register Media.
    • Ensure the URL https://backup.1and1.com is entered in the Server field.
    • Enter the token you have generated in the Registration token field.
    • Click on Register. The Recovery Bootable Media - Connected to This Machine (Local Connection) as root window opens.

    Restore backup

    • In the Recovery Bootable Media - Connected to This Machine (Local Connection) as root window, click Recover.
    • In the What to recover area, click Select data... .
    • Click on Browse. The Browse for Location window opens.
    • Under Cloud storage, select the user name of your backup account and click OK.
    • Select the desired backup. As soon as you have selected the backup archive you want to restore, an additional area will appear at the bottom. In this area, you can select which elements you would like to restore from this backup archive. For a complete restore, make sure all elements are activated.
    • If you are restoring a bootable partition or a bootable volume, activate the MBRs option in the area Backup contents:
    • Click OK.

      The restore of the backup is started and the status is displayed. Depending on the size of the backup, the restore may take a few minutes.

    Restart server

    • As soon as the restoration is complete, switch to the Cloud Panel.
    • Activate the desired server in the Infrastructure > Server area.
    • Click on Actions > Restart.
    • Click on Current operating system.
    • Click on Yes.