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    For IONOS Mail Basic and Mail Business accounts

    In this article, we'll show you how to prepare your Mail Basic and Mail Business mailboxes created under the same domain in order to migrate them to Microsoft 365.

    Please Note

    The first step is to assign a different domain or subdomain to all Mail Basic and Mail Business mailboxes that you have set up under the domain in question. We recommend that you use a new subdomain in this context. This change will allow you to connect the domain with the Office user accounts you want to use. Afterwards, you can create an associated Microsoft 365 user account for each Mail Basic and Mail Business mailbox.


    If you assign a different domain name to a Mail Basic or Mail Business mailbox, it will no longer be accessible under the originally created email address. Therefore, make sure that you create a corresponding Microsoft 365 user account for each mailbox.

    Creating a Subdomain

    • Log in to your IONOS account and click on the Domains & SSL tile.
    • Click the gear icon next to the domain used for the Mail Basic and Mail Business mailboxes under Actions. Then, click Manage Subdomains.
    • Click the Create Subdomain button.
    • Enter any name in the Subdomain Name field and click Save.

    Changing the Domain of the Mail Basic and Mail Business Mailboxes Being Migrated

    • Click Menu > Email in the title bar.
    • If you have multiple contracts that include email, you will now be prompted to select a contract. Select the contract that contains the email address(es) you want to migrate.
    • In the Email Overview, click on the first email address you want to migrate.
    • Next, click anywhere in the Email Address row.
    • Click the Change domain link.
    • Select the new subdomain you created in the previous section.
    • Repeat the steps for all Mail Basic and Mail Business mailboxes you are migrating.

    Creating Microsoft 365 User Accounts

    • Click Menu > Office in the title bar.
    • Click Create User.
    • Click Use this package in the appropriate Microsoft 365 tile.
    • Click Select available domain.
    • Select the original domain used by the email addresses you changed in the previous section.
    • Enter the desired user name. Make sure the username you specify (the part before the @ sign) matches the username of your Mail Basic or Mail Business mailbox.

      Enter the desired first and last name and password for the Microsoft 365 user account

      To give the user account the desired rights to perform functions, assign the desired role to the Microsoft 365 user account

      Recommended: Enter an alternate email address. Your account and login information will be sent to this email address.

      To create the Microsoft 365 user account, click Create User.
    • Repeat these steps for each Mail Basic or Mail Business mailbox you want to migrate.

    Now you can migrate the emails from your Mail Basic or Mail Business mailboxes to Microsoft 365. For additional help with moving your emails, please see this article.