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    You can deactivate push notifications for your browser at any time in just a few steps. In addition, you also have the option of completely revoking permission to display push notifications in the browser.

    To disable push notifications only for the browser, simply revoke permission to display push notifications in that browser.

    Disable Push Notifications from 1&1 IONOS

    • Log in to IONOS and click on the bell icon.
      Log in to IONOSOpen IONOS
    • Manage the desired subject areas by clicking on the gear symbol.
    • Click Disable push notifications on this device. The push notification settings in your IONOS mobile app will remain.

    You also have the option to remove permission for push messages from ###COMPANY_NAME###directly in the browser.

    Disable Permission for Push Notifications from 1&1 IONOS in Chrome

    Log in to IONOS and click on the website icon in front of the URL (Internet address) in the Chrome address bar. Change the Notifications option back to the default settings.

    Disable Permission for Push Notifications from 1&1 IONOS in Firefox

    Log in to IONOS and click on the website icon in front of the URL (Internet address) in the Firefox address bar. Delete the permission by clicking the X  beside Send notifications.

    Disable Permission for Push Notifications from 1&1 IONOS in Safari (MacOS)

    • Open Safari and switch to settings.
    • Click Websitesand select Messages under General.
    • Select the website IONOS and click Remove.

    From now on, you will no longer receive push notifications in your browser. You can reactivate push notifications for your browser at any time. In the article Activate Push Notifications in Your Browser, we show you how this works.