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Information about submitting or resolving disputes over copyrights, trademarks and domain names.
Copyright Infringement
What is a Copyright?
What is the IONOS Subpoena and Copyright Policy?
Explanation of DMCA
Stop Another Entity from Using Your Copyrighted Materials
Properly Filling Out the DMCA Notice
Next Steps After Receiving a DMCA Notice
Disputing a DMCA Notice
Properly Filling Out the DMCA Counter-Notice
Next Steps After Filing DMCA Counter-Notice with IONOS
Trademark Infringement
Explanation of a Trademark
Explanation of Trademark Infringement
Stop Another Entity from Using Your Trademark on Their Website
Next Steps After a Trademark Infringement Notice, a.k.a. Cease and Desist, was Forwarded to You by IONOS
Domain Name Disputes
What is UDRP?
Resolving a Domain Name Dispute
Reestablish Control of Your Corporation's Domain Name
Establishing Control of a Domain Owned by an IONOS Customer who is Now Deceased