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With Telnet you can check whether you can reach our email server from your PC.
Please note:
On Windows operating systems, the Telnet client has been deactivated by default since Windows Vista. You must therefore activate it first:
- Windows 7 - Windows 8 - Open Windows 10
1, click Programs and Features
2, click Enable or disable Windows features.
3, check Telnet Client.
4, click OK.
Please enter the command telnet, the server name and the server port in the command prompt or in the terminal.
Here are examples of what a successful Telnet connection on our IMAP, Pop3 and SMTP servers under Windows looks like.
Telnet-Verbindung zum IMAP-Server
telnet 143
* OK IMAP server ready H mimapX XXXXX
Telnet-Verbindung zum Pop3-Server
telnet 110
+OK POP server ready H mibapX
Telnet-Verbindung zum SMTP-Server
telnet 587
220 (mreuX) Welcome to Nemesis ESMTP server