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    In this article, we will show you how to create email addresses using your personal domains. Send and receive emails under your own domain. Use any email program, your smartphone, tablet or in IONOS Webmail.

    Please Note

    If you already created an email address and would like to set up an email program such as Microsoft Outlook or Mozilla Thunderbird, you can find the corresponding setup instructions here:

    Mail Basic/Mail Business
    Microsoft® Outlook
    Other email programs
    Using emails on Android smartphones
    Using emails on Apple iPhone/iPad

    Microsoft® Exchange 2019
    Setting up Microsoft® Exchange 2019

    Microsoft® Exchange 2013
    Setting up Microsoft® Exchange 2013

    If you already configured an email program and it fails to send or receive emails, see the following article for common causes and solutions:
    Troubleshooting email program setup issues


    Your package must contain at least one ready-to-use domain. For more information on this topic, see Pre-requisites for using a domain with IONOS products.

    • Log in to your IONOS account.

    • Click on the Email tile.

    • If you have multiple email contracts, select the corresponding contract in which you want to create the email address.

    • Click on the Create email address button at the top-right and select the desiredIONOS mail product, such as Mail Basic.

    • If your contract does not contain any more available/unused mailboxes of the desired type, you will find the Order button here. This will take you to the order page. There you will be shown order options and can complete the order. You can then proceed directly to setting up your email address.

    • The number of available mailboxes is displayed on the Email addresses page on the right in the Portfolio area.

    • Fill in the fields:

      • In the Email field, enter the desired email address name (the part that should come before the @ sign) and select a domain.

      • Enter the desired password. The password must meet certain minimum requirements for security purposes. Therefore, please pay attention to the security notes.

    • Optional: If you would also like to forward the emails to another email address, click Add forwarding target. Enter the email address you want to use as the forwarding destination.

    • Optional: Select your security settings. To do so, activate the respective checkbox.

      • Protection against viruses: Optionally order virus protection.

      • Protection against data loss: With email archiving, you can digitally archive all your emails in a legally secure and automated manner.

    • Click Save.

    Your email account will now be set up. This process may take a few minutes to complete, but it is typically instant.