• Help & contact

    If you cancel a domain or move to another IONOS customer account or to another provider, all Microsoft Exchange 2019 email addresses set up for this domain will be deleted. To prevent unintentional data loss, the mailboxes and all emails in them will remain.

    To ensure that you have continued access to your mailboxes, they are assigned a backup e-mail address of the form old_e-mail-address@mailboxbackup.info.

    If the domain ionoshelp.co.uk is deleted, for example

    • the address mail@ionoshelp.com would be renamed to mail.ionoshelp.com@mailboxbackup.info

    • the address info@ionoshelp.com would be renamed to info.ionoshelp.com@mailboxbackup.info

    • etc.

    You can now decide for yourself what to do with the remaining mailbox and the emails stored in it. Your options are:

    • You can continue to use your mailbox with a different email address: If you want to continue using the mailbox - for example, just to make a back up - you can rename it via the email administration in your IONOS customer account and then continue using it with the previous password. The prerequisite for this is that you have at least one other domain in your IONOS customer account. How to rename your mailbox is explained in the article Change email address.

    • Delete mailbox: If you no longer need the mailbox, you can delete it. How to do this is described in the article Delete email address.