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    Overview of Search Functions

    Email Archiving offers you convenient and powerful search functions. There are basically three different search functions in Email Archiving:

    • The search for mailboxes, i.e. your email addresses
    • The search for keywords, i.e. content in your emails
    • An advanced search where you can search for time periods, keywords, recipients, senders and many other criteria.

    Below we present all three searches in detail and each with a short use-case example.

    Please Note

    To search for emails that have been archived for a Microsoft Exchange 2019 account, you must select the appropriate Microsoft Exchange 2019 archive on the Email Overview page. You can then search for the emails you want.

    Mailbox Search

    The mailbox search is intended to search for mailboxes in large archives or, in other words, for archived email accounts.

    Example: You have archived many email addresses but want to search specifically for email inboxes that are assigned to a specific domain.

    To search for these email addresses, proceed as follows:

    • Log in to your Email Archiving portal.
    • Enter the domain you want to search for in the Search mailbox field. You only need to enter a part of the domain name.

    The search will be performed as you type, and the results of the search will be displayed in the corresponding output field.



    Keyword Search

    At times you may want to search for specific keywords in your emails.

    For example, you are looking for the email that you received to activate email archiving, and you are sure that the keyword "invited" was in the text of this email.

    Here's how to find this email quickly and easily:

    • On the Email Archiving home page, select the mailbox to which this email was sent.
    • Enter the keyword "invited" in the search field and click on the small magnifying glass on the right.

    The search for the keyword is now performed. The Results field displays all emails that contain the keyword.

    • Click on the subject of the mail you are looking for.

    The Email Preview will be displayed. You can now migrate, restore, and/or download this message.

    Advanced Search

    The Advanced search combines the two previous searches and also offers the possibility to search for emails according to many other criteria.

    One last example: You are looking for the email that was sent to you as an invitation to activate email archiving, because you no longer have the sender's email address at hand and urgently need it.

    You remember:

    • That you received this email this year
    • That the email was sent to the mailbox under the domain "example.com", and
    • That the email contained the keyword "invited".

    Let's combine these three criteria in one search - it's quite simple:

    • Go to the Advanced search in the Email Archiving: You will find it on the start page in the left navigation menu. Click on Advanced Search
    • Enter the first search criterion: email account contains  "example.com".
    • Limit the time period: Click on the Select time period  field > This year
    • Enter the keyword: keyword contains "invited
    • Remove the unneeded search criteria From  and TO / CC / BCC by clicking on the on the far right.
    • Run the search. Click on Search

    The search will now be executed, and the email will be displayed as a result.

    If you click on the email, it will be displayed in the preview.