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    With Email Archiving, you can securely archive Microsoft Exchange 2019 accounts in accordance with legal data requirements.

    Please Note

    Email archiving does not support Microsoft Exchange 2013. To use email archiving, you can upgrade to Microsoft Exchange 2019. Alternatively, you can add your Microsoft Exchange 2013 mailbox as an external email mailbox to Email Archiving.

    By default, archived emails are retained for 11 years from the date of receipt and then deleted.You can change the applicable retention policy at any time and specify a different retention period.You also have the option of retaining all archived emails for an unlimited period of time.Alternatively, you can create new retention policies to define individual retention periods for individual or multiple email mailboxes.

    How to change an existing retention policy is explained in the following article: 

    Edit Retention Policy

    You can find instructions on how to create a new retention policy in the following article: 

    Create Retention Policy

    Archiving of Additional Mail Basic, Mail Business, and External Email Accounts

    With Email Archiving, you can store emails from Mail Basic, Mail Business, and external email accounts in addition to Microsoft Exchange 2019 accounts.

    Archiving Email and Microsoft Exchange 2019 Accounts That Are In Other Contracts

    Email Archiving is a subscription that is contract-compatible. This means for you:

    You can use Email Archiving for as many Microsoft Exchange 2019 accounts as you like, as well as for as many Mail Basic and Mail Business email accounts as you like, as long as they are within the same IONOS account.

    If you set up a new Microsoft Exchange 2019 account after March 29, 2023, and use email archiving for it, the following data will be backed up in addition to your emails:

    • Contacts

    • Calendar

    • Tasks

    Please Note

    If you set up Email Archiving for a Microsoft Exchange 2019 account before March 29, 2023, you will not be able to back up contacts, calendars, and tasks for that account.

    Searching for Emails Archived for a Microsoft Exchange 2019 Account

    To search for emails archived for a Microsoft Exchange 2019 account, you need to select the corresponding archive of a Microsoft Exchange 2019 mailbox on the email overview page. Then you can search for the desired emails.

    You can find more information here:

    Using the Search Functions in the Email Archiving Tool

    GDPR-Compliant Deletion of Emails

    To delete GDPR-compliant emails that are in the archive for Microsoft Exchange 2019 accounts, you must invite a user for this archive and assign the role of data protection officer to this user.

    For more information on how to delete emails in a GDPR-compliant manner, please see the following article:

    Deleting Emails as Data Protection Officer

    Certification According to IDW PS 880

    Email Archiving is certified in accordance with IDW PS 880. It meets all legal compliance, security, and control requirements. This means that both the software development and the software from the customer's point of view meet the requirements of legal and manipulation security according to IDW PS 880. This auditing standard (PS) for auditing software products of the Institute of Public Auditors in Germany (IDW) has been valid since 2010.

    You can find the certificate on the performance of a software audit here:

    Software Certification According to IDW PS 880 IDW RS FAIT I