DNS Settings
Use the IONOS Control Panel to customize the DNS settings of your domains.
Customizing Your DNS Settings to Link Your Domains to External Services DNS settings are often required to link your domain to other services, such as with SquareSpace or Wordpress.com. Another common application is that DNS settings are necessary to verify your domain with other external services, such as MailChimp.
Using Your Own Name Servers IONOS allows you to specify your own name servers for each domain/subdomain instead of the default IONOS name servers.
Configuring Your IP Address With the IONOS name servers, you can also connect your domain to static IP addresses. Both IPv4 and IPv6 are supported.
Configuring CNAME Records for Subdomains For subdomains, IONOS also offers the possibility to configure a CNAME instead of an A record. This allows you to set up a subdomain as an alias for an existing domain.
Configuring Mail Servers and Other Related Records By editing your MX records, you can set your own mail servers for each of your domains if you want to use another mail provider.
Configuring TXT and SRV records For advanced applications, IONOS offers the ability to configure your own TXT and SRV records for your domains and subdomains.
Configuring CAA Records A CAA record allows you to specify which Certification Authorities (CAs) are allowed to issue certificates for your domain or subdomain.
Configuring Wildcard DNS Records Create DNS wildcard records (e.g. *.example.com) to delegate access to non-existent subdomains.
DNS Pro Here you will find information and instructions for the optional DNS extension package DNS Pro.