Bring your blog on WP Engine together with your IONOS domain with just a few clicks.

Simply follow these steps:

  • Log in to

  • Click Sites on the top menu bar.

  • Select the desired website.

  • In the navigation bar on the left, click Domains.

  • Click Add Domain.

  • Enter the desired IONOS domain and click Next. The following message will be displayed: Your domain is hosted at: 1and1. Tap next to log into your 1and1 account to begin the automated updating process.

  • Click Next.

  • Log in to IONOS.

  • Click Connect.

Your blog at WP Engine will be connected to your IONOS domain.

Please Note

If you can't automatically connect your blog to your IONOS domain at WP Engine, please check your domain's IONOS DNS settings. Make sure that a CNAME record is created with the hostname and the value