How to use if-else statements in R
Similar to other programming languages, if-else statements are also commonplace when programming in R. With if-else statements, you can formulate different conditions and guide the execution of a program.
What are possible uses for if-else statements in R?
An if-else statement, which is often referred to as conditional branching, ensures that certain instructions are only carried out if a condition is met. The conditional functionality of if-else statements is fundamental to programming, which is why it is hard to imagine using most programs without them. This is especially true when constructing complex algorithms.
Using if-else statements in your source code is convenient if you want to check user input against a specific value. The most common use of R if-else structures, however, is in conjunction with for-loop statements in R. If you are looking for a specific value from a data structure, you can use an if statement to exit the loop once you have found it.
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What is the syntax for if-else statements in R?
You can use if-else statements in R in a variety of ways. Regardless of how you combine the keywords “if”, “else” and “else if”, the basic logic remains the same: The execution of an individual code block is linked to a condition.
The syntax for this command is strictly defined. The keyword “if” is always followed by a condition, which is specified in parentheses. Arithmetic or logical comparison operators are often used within the condition. This is followed by a block of code in curly braces that is only executed if the condition you specify is true. Depending on the goal of your conditional statement, you can now use the “else” keyword to introduce a block of code that will be executed if the condition stated after “if” is not met. You also have the option of using the “else if” keyword to create additional conditions.
In R, if there is only one line of code that you want to execute, you can omit the curly braces from the if-else statement. This can help to improve readability. However, for beginners who are still learning how to program, it is advisable to use the curly braces even if it’s not necessary. That way you don’t have to worry about anything going wrong.
R-if statements
An if statement without else can be used in instances where the program should only generate a response when the condition is fulfilled. If the condition is not met, the program will continue along its standard path of execution. Here is an example of an if statement in R:
In the above example, the number stored in variable b is to be divided by the number in variable a. Since division by 0 is not allowed, the if condition checks whether the value stored in “a” is 0. If this condition is true, the program will execute the code in curly brackets. A response is issued stating that zero division is not allowed, and the calculation is stopped. If the condition is false, the program will not be interrupted, continuing instead along its standard path.
If-else statements in R
If you want the program to respond to an unfulfilled condition as well, you can use an if-else statement. You’ll first want to formulate an if condition like the one in the example above. If the condition in the if statement is not met, the program will skip over the corresponding block of code and instead execute the code in the curly brackets following the word “else”. Here is an example to help illustrate this:
Again, two variables (a and b) are created, both of which contain integer values. The if condition checks if value b is smaller than value a. If it is, the instructions inside the curly brackets will be executed. If value be is not smaller than value a, the program jumps directly to the statement block after the keyword “else” and executes the lines of code that correspond to “else”.
Else-if statements in R
In some cases, you may want to check multiple conditions. For this, you can use the “else if” keyword. If you are familiar with if-else statements in Python, you may already know the else-if statement from R as the keyword “elif”.
This code example is very similar to the previous one. There are a couple of differences though. In this example, the else statement has been replaced with an else if statement. Furthermore, it’s possible to specify what the alternative to the previous condition is.
It’s important to note that the conditions specified with “else if” are mutually exclusive. If, as in our case, the first condition is already true, the code introduced with “else if” will not be executed at all. Compared to creating several simple if statements, employing else if statements can help save computing power.