Git Cheat Sheet
No matter whether you’ve just taken a first look at a Git tutorial or already have some experience in using the version control system, with a clear Git cheat sheet, you’ll always have all the Git commands and codes at a glance.
Version and installation
To check which version of Git is currently on your computer, use the following command:
If you don’t find a version, you can download Git using the following links:
Git is open source and free of charge.
You need a username and a valid email address to work with Git. Here’s how to configure both:
Specify a name | git config --global "your name" |
Enter your email address | git config --global "" |
Create a repository
Create a new repository or download an existing repository.
Create and name a new local repository | git init sample name |
Copy an existing repository and its history with Git clone | git clone "" |
Make changes
You can make, track and add changes.
Show the status of the directory | git status |
Show objects | git show |
Add a file | git add sample file |
Add all files from a repository | git add* |
Show all new or changed files with Git diff | git diff |
Show any changes between the staging area and the repository | git diff --staged |
Track changes after commit | git diff HEAD |
Show differences between index and current stage | git reset sample file |
Add currently indexed files permanently to the version history with Git commit | git commit -m "Explanations for the changes" |
Group changes into branches and integrate new features.
Create and edit
Create a new branch | git branch sample name |
List all branches | git branch --list |
Delete a branch | git branch -d |
Remove a remote branch | git push origin --delete |
Rename a branch | git branch -m |
Switch branch
Switch to another branch with Git checkout | git checkout other branch |
Create a new branch and switch to it | git checkout -b |
Merge and fetch
Merge history of a branch with the current branch | git merge sample name |
Register external repository and swap history | git fetch "" |
Fetch all branches | git fetch -all |
Register a local repository | git fetch origin |
Put current changes in your working directory into stash for later use with Git stash | git stash |
Save changes with an explanation | git stash save "insert explanation here" |
List stashes | git stash list |
Make new changes to a stash | git stash apply |
Track changes to the stash | git stash show |
Apply and delete stash directly | git stash pop |
Discard intermediate stashes | git stash drop |
Delete all available stashes | git stash clear |
Save to a separate branch | git stash branch sample branch |
Integrate external branch with current local branch | git push "" local sample branch |
Transfer data to the remote server | git push origin master |
Force push | git push -f |
Remove remote branch via push | git push origin --delete samplebranch |
Pull history from external repository | git pull |
Pull data from server | git pull origin master |
You check the history of a commit with Git log.
Show all commits for a branch | git log |
Limit the number of commits (in this example to three) | git log -3 |
Search commits from a specific author | git log --author= "sample name" |
Show commits for a specific time period | git log <since>…<until> |
Show commits for a specific file | git log sample file |
Revert changes
You have two options to revert changes — Git revert or Git reset. For the latter, you can choose between the options “soft”, “hard” and “mixed”.
Modify existing commit | git commit --amend |
Remove file from staging area | git reset HEAD samplefile or git restore --staged samplefile |
Discard local changes to a file in the staging area | git checkout --samplefile oder git restore samplefile |
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