What is embodied AI?PeshkovaShutterstock

What is embodied AI?

Robots are becoming increasingly intelligent, and their applications are becoming more diverse and complex. Developments in robotics are experiencing a significant boost in innovation through the integration of artificial intelligence. Embodied AI is already being utilized in…

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How to install Yarn

How to install Yarn

The package manager Yarn enables you to use and send code even better. We explain how to install Yarn and set it up. We also show you some of the most important commands for getting started with it, as well as a few alternative solutions.

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How does a generative adversarial network work?Ranjit Karmakarshutterstock

How does a generative adversarial network work?

Generative adversarial networks (GANs) have the capability to generate highly realistic synthetic data, such as images, text, and even music, with the potential for enhanced results through additional training. We delve into how GANs function, their various applications, and the…

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How named entity recognition identifies and categorizes proper names

How named entity recognition identifies and categorizes proper names

Named entity recognition (NER) plays a particularly important role in the field of machine learning. This discipline is used to find named entities in texts, mark them and catalog them according to certain parameters. In this article, we’ll explain exactly how named entity…

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What is human-centered computing?alphaspirit.itshutterstock

What is human-centered computing?

IT systems are now deeply integrated into both our daily lives and workplaces. Human-centered computing (HCC) focuses on designing technology around people, exploring how computer systems can better align with human abilities. This dedicated article explains what HCC entails and…

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What is speech synthesis and how is it used?TBStockershutterstock

What is speech synthesis and how is it used?

From virtual voice assistants like Siri and Alexa to enhancing digital accessibility through voice output functions and automated customer service, the applications of speech synthesis are expanding rapidly. Speech synthesis technology, also known as text-to-speech (TTS), is…

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How does AI image recognition work?Ahmet Misirligulshutterstock

How does AI image recognition work?

Artificial intelligence is playing a key role in more and more areas, especially when it comes to images. In image recognition, for example, specialized AI helps to quickly and reliably capture, analyze and classify certain image content. Find out how AI image recognition works…

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What is few-shot learning?jijomathaidesignersshutterstock

What is few-shot learning?

Few-shot learning enables AI models to learn efficiently from just a few examples, allowing for accurate predictions even with limited data. This contrasts with most traditional methods that require extensive datasets for training. In the following guide, we will explain how…

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What is long short-term memory?Toriashutterstock

What is long short-term memory?

Long short-term memory technology is particularly important for progress in the field of artificial intelligence. It enables neural networks to store information over a long period of time and to call up and evaluate the stored values at a later point. We’ll explain how long…

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What is case-based reasoning?sakkmesterkeshutterstock

What is case-based reasoning?

Case-based reasoning (CBR) allows algorithms to apply past experiences to solve new problems by adapting them to new situations. This guide explains what CBR is, how it works, its applications, and its advantages and limitations.

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IONOS Website Guide: website advice for all

A website isn’t just a website – these days, there are countless ways to create an online presence in a way that matches your expectations. The ‘Websites’ section of the IONOS Digital Guide offers detailed information about creating, managing, and optimizing websites as well as facts and general background information on the World Wide Web. For a closer look, you can also explore one of several subcategories about different topics. Here, we present website advice for everyone, from mere enthusiasts to qualified professionals.

What’s in the IONOS Website Guide?

The ‘Websites’ section is one of six main categories in the IONOS Digital Guide. ‘Websites’ is then broken down into four further subcategories: ‘Website creation, ‘Web design’, ‘Web development’, and ‘Digital law’. While ‘Website creation’ focuses primarily on the technical aspects of internet sites, ‘Web design’ articles look at the optical makeup of content, in particular the use of text, images, and responsive displays through HTML or CSS. ‘Web development’ covers the use of scripting languages, like PHP or JavaScript, as well as specific tools for the development of internet services. But basic information about the standards and trends of website development can also be found here. The subcategory ‘Digital law’ presents online laws and practices, like image usage rights and privacy policies.

Website advice for beginners, advanced users, and professionals

The Website Guide serves as an information portal for small and medium-sized companies, along with developers, web designers, technology lovers, and general internet enthusiasts. Many articles on the IONOS Digital Guide require little background knowledge, though some are also aimed at more experienced users. Beginners can enjoy posts on topics like ‘What exactly is a website?’, ‘The basics for modern web development’, or ‘How are websites accessed?’, while more advanced readers can broaden their knowledge of specific topics with comprehensive articles and tutorials. So whether you are a novice, an advanced user, or a professional: our handy Website Guide has plenty of useful tips and tricks to help you become an expert on the World Wide Web.

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