Large data sets can quickly get confusing! Commands like SQL SELECT TOP, LIMIT and ROWNUM allow you to limit query results to a number of your choosing. That makes results easier to read and increases efficiency and performance. In this tutorial, we show you how to use SELECT TOP…

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How to use SQL OR

How to use SQL OR

When working with complex datasets, it’s important to be able to perform efficient, precise searches. One tool that can help with that is the logical operator OR. SQL’s OR returns records that meet at least one of two conditions. In this tutorial, we explain everything you need…

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How to use SQL SUMPaolo Schorlishutterstock

How to use SQL SUM

Whether you need to calculate total costs, sales, order quantity or any other value, SQL SUM can do a large part of that mathematical work for you! As an aggregate function that adds up all the values in a column, it is an indispensable tool in SQL. In this tutorial, we show you…

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Duplicate rows and values in the results of a query can reduce the quality of your data analyses. You can use SQL SELECT DISTINCT to get clean, precise results. This SQL clause removes duplicate rows and includes only unique values in your results. We explain everything you need…

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How to use SQL ORDER BY

How to use SQL ORDER BY

When querying large data sets, it helps to be able to sort your results. Luckily SQL ORDER BY does just that. It enables you to sort results in ascending or descending order based on one or more columns of your choosing. In this article, we explain how SQL ORDER BY works and…

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How to use SQL SELECTREDPIXEL.PLShutterstock

How to use SQL SELECT

When analyzing and processing data, it’s essential to be able to select relevant records. SQL SELECT is the main tool for selecting relevant columns and records in SQL. When combined with other operators and commands, SELECT has a wide variety of potential uses. In this tutorial,…

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What are SQL operators?

What are SQL operators?

SQL operators are at the heart of your work with SQL. They can be used to form simple or complex database queries, to compare and filter data, to make calculations and to optimize your dataset. The list of operators is long – in this article we’ll give you an overview of some of…

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How to use SQL `NOT`Elena KharichkinaShutterstock

How to use SQL `NOT`

You want to search your database for information that doesn’t fulfill certain criteria? Then the SQL `NOT` is just what you need. This logical operator facilitates the precise filtering of search results by excluding results that don’t fulfill a condition. In this tutorial we…

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How to use SQL NVL

How to use SQL NVL

NULL values in datasets can lead to inaccuracies, errors and inconsistencies. That’s why SQL’s NVL function allows you to replace NULL values with more meaningful values. The result is datasets that are more accurate and easier to work with. In this tutorial, we show you how to…

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How to use SQL JOIN commandsRanjit Karmakarshutterstock

How to use SQL JOIN commands

Analyzing relational databases isn’t always easy. The SQL JOIN commands are an important tool for combining database tables, performing complex queries and efficiently evaluating linked data. In this tutorial, we introduce the different SQL JOIN commands and provide examples of…

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