
How to get your domain back after losing domain controliunewindShutterstock

How to get your domain back after losing domain control

When a website suddenly stops responding and you realize you’ve lost domain control, you’re faced with a critical situation. Is it just a technical bug or have cyber criminals possibly hijacked the website? It is important to quickly determine the cause. In this article, we show…

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How to backup photos

How to backup photos

There are many ways to back up photos. Which solutions are best for backing up your own pictures? Ever-improving image qualities lead to larger image files, and that’s why cloud-based photo backups are coming more and more into focus. How safe is it to store your photos there and…

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What is SIEM (Security Information & Event Management)?

What is SIEM (Security Information & Event Management)?

With timely warnings, cyber threats can be reliably identified and averted. The question is where to get the data from and how to draw the right conclusions. This is where SIEM, short for Security Information & Event Management, comes into play. Any suspicious incidents and…

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What is XDR (Extended Detection and Response)?

What is XDR (Extended Detection and Response)?

Modern IT architectures consist of multiple end devices, applications, clouds and networks. This results in hybrid cyber threats that cannot be reliably fended off with traditional antivirus solutions. XDR (Extended Detection and Response) offers a holistic SaaS security concept…

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What is endpoint security? How to protect your devicesMaximPshutterstock

What is endpoint security? How to protect your devices

Company networks should be super secure, yet due to the many endpoint and mobile devices, they sometimes exhibit numerous unexpected security flaws. Endpoint security offers both technical solutions and security management practices to address these vulnerabilities. We outline…

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What is browser hijacking?Billion PhotosShutterstock

What is browser hijacking?

Browser hijacking can enable companies or hackers to seize your sensitive data or even take control of your entire system. In this guide, we’ll delve into what browser hijacking is, what it means for you, the various forms it can assume, and effective strategies to safeguard…

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What is an intrusion detection system (IDS)?

What is an intrusion detection system (IDS)?

An intrusion detection system (IDS) begins its operation at the host, the network, or both, actively examining records in real-time to identify any discernible anomalies. When irregularities are detected, the system promptly sends an alert to the relevant parties, playing a…

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What is an intrusion prevention system?

What is an intrusion prevention system?

In addition to a firewall, an intrusion prevention system (IPS) can monitor either an individual end device or an entire network and alert about potential threats. Unlike intrusion detection systems (IDS) with a similar design, IPS takes a more proactive approach by actively…

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How to convert internationalized domain names with Punycode

How to convert internationalized domain names with Punycode

Since the introduction of internationalized domain names in 2003, Punycode can be seen everywhere on the internet. While internet addresses like "" look peculiar they fulfill an important function. They encode non-ASCII characters into ASCII-compatible…

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