
Digital legacyPeshkovaShutterstock

Digital legacy

Digital legacy is the term used to describe the majority of electronic information left behind by a person in the event of their death. Online profiles in social networks must be deleted or converted into memorial pages, current contracts need to be canceled, digital possessions…

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Social networks: the 5 most common dangers and which actions to take

Social networks: the 5 most common dangers and which actions to take

Social media brings millions of people together from around the world. They chat, send pictures and videos, and share information with each other. Companies like to use these platforms to extend their reach, but the more popular a network is, the more likely it is for dangers to…

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Trolling: How to take action against online bullies

Trolling: How to take action against online bullies

Abstruse theories about epidemics and politicians or personal insults against individuals: online things can quickly turn hurtful. Some users deliberately engage in what is known as trolling. Read on to find out what the goals of online bullies are, how you can recognize a…

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Texting abbreviations: HTH!

Texting abbreviations: HTH!

Chat slang has gained momentum since the dawn of the internet. Texting abbreviations and acronyms allow users to keep communication fast-paced and easy. But for anyone who isn’t familiar with text message abbreviations, reading a message from a friend or family member can become…

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10 tips on how to become an influencer

10 tips on how to become an influencer

Influencers are today’s digital trendsetters. Their videos and photos on YouTube and Instagram can have a tremendous influence on consumer behavior. And with the rise in influencer marketing, this advertising format has become a lucrative profession. But how do you become an…

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Social bots – the technology behind fake news

Social bots – the technology behind fake news

Sensational election results and influencing public opinion – these are both associated with social bots. They are known as being digital opinion leaders that represent extreme political positions on social networks or to simply start disagreements. This technology influences…

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Netiquette: What you need to know for discussions online

Netiquette: What you need to know for discussions online

When participating in discussions online, you should be sure to follow the netiquette of the group you’re interacting in. If you violate these rules of politeness, you’ll not only make a bad impression but might even have your post deleted or be banned from the group. But since…

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What does lol mean? Internet abbreviations and acronyms

What does lol mean? Internet abbreviations and acronyms

What does lol mean? Anyone who regularly spends time online has surely encountered the expression before. The Internet is home to numerous expressions that might appear cryptic to the uninitiated. Luckily, it’s pretty easy to catch on quickly. Keep reading to find out what lol…

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Hashtag marketing: increase reach and interaction on social media

Hashtag marketing: increase reach and interaction on social media

Hashtag marketing has become an important part of social media marketing. Companies use hashtags across their social networks to increase the reach of their posts and encourage interaction from users. In this article, you’ll find examples of well-executed hashtag campaigns on…

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User Generated ContentRohappyShutterstock

User Generated Content

Texts, images and videos are all online content, and this content is often used by brands and companies for marketing purposes when created by independent consumers. User generated content is an inexpensive and effective way to increase awareness and customer loyalty. In the…

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