Online Store

How to connect a domain to your Etsy shopone photoshutterstock

How to connect a domain to your Etsy shop

Marketing and brand image are not only relevant for physical stores, but for online stores like Etsy as well. Being able to access an Etsy store using a custom domain can be useful for several reasons, especially if you want to convey a professional brand image that extends…

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Which are the best web hosting services? A comparisonGorodenkoffshutterstock

Which are the best web hosting services? A comparison

If you have an idea to take online, a website is essential—and that requires web hosting. With countless providers available, finding the right one can be overwhelming. To help, we’ve compared five web hosting providers in our article, highlighting their strengths and weaknesses.…

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How to connect a Shopify domain

How to connect a Shopify domain

The standard web address of a basic Shopify project isn’t ideal for marketing. Instead of the cryptic combination of numbers and letters via the Shopify subdomain, you can easily register your own Shopify domain and set it as the default address. But where do you get your own…

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E-commerce website costs: A detailed pricing guide

E-commerce website costs: A detailed pricing guide

For many brands and retailers, an online store is essential. If you’re thinking about setting up your own e-commerce website, one of your first questions will no doubt be: how much does it cost to build an e-commerce website? The trouble is, it depends. Prices range from a few…

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8 best ecommerce platforms compared

8 best ecommerce platforms compared

Selling products and services online is easier than ever before. However, the opposite is true of choosing the right shop system. With an almost endless range of professional ecommerce software available, how do you know which product best meets your requirements? Our comparison…

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What’s better for SEO: subdomain, subdirectory or a new domain?vetreShutterstock

What’s better for SEO: subdomain, subdirectory or a new domain?

If you want to diversify your web content but aren’t sure if these changes will align with your current website structure, there are a few options you can choose from. You can create a new domain/website or export content to a subdirectory or subdomain. Find out which method is…

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How to sell vintage clothing online

How to sell vintage clothing online

Vintage clothing can be found in many places. You can find wonderful pieces of fashion’s past at flea markets, thrift stores and even in your own closet. However, making money selling vintage treasures is not as simple as it seems. The clothes need to be presented, stored, and…

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How to sell furniture onlineG-Stock StudioShutterstock

How to sell furniture online

Handmade tables or bespoke seats? Being successful in the furniture business requires differentiating yourself from the big furniture stores. In our article, we’ll talk about how to stand out from the crowd, which markets and target groups are the most profitable and how to…

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What is a target audience?

What is a target audience?

If you work in marketing, you will come across target audiences. They are helpful in making messaging clearer as well as making marketing campaigns and businesses more successful. So what exactly are target audiences, what do they mean for your business and what characteristics…

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What are the eCommerce trends in 2025MIND AND IShutterstock

What are the eCommerce trends in 2025

With online shopping becoming ever more popular and convenient, more and more industries are flourishing in the world of e-commerce. This is partly due to the fact that it’s easier than ever before to build and run a professional web store. But what are most important things to…

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