
E-commerce website costs: A detailed pricing guide

E-commerce website costs: A detailed pricing guide

For many brands and retailers, an online store is essential. If you’re thinking about setting up your own e-commerce website, one of your first questions will no doubt be: how much does it cost to build an e-commerce website? The trouble is, it depends. Prices range from a few…

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8 best ecommerce platforms compared

8 best ecommerce platforms compared

Selling products and services online is easier than ever before. However, the opposite is true of choosing the right shop system. With an almost endless range of professional ecommerce software available, how do you know which product best meets your requirements? Our comparison…

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How much does a domain name cost? Examples and pricesOlleg Visual ContentShutterstock

How much does a domain name cost? Examples and prices

Whether professional or private, you can get people’s attention with your own website. However, this often comes with some costs. Beyond hosting and possibly web design expenses, you must also consider your internet address – your domain. But how much does it cost to register a…

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How to optimize for Voice Search (SEO)

How to optimize for Voice Search (SEO)

Voice search for search engines is becoming increasingly important and so is SEO. Changes in user behavior and the first adjustments to search algorithms are already visible. Future-oriented SEO therefore starts with voice search. Get to know the most important voice assistants,…

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How to buy a Domain Name that is takenASDF_MEDIAshutterstock

How to buy a Domain Name that is taken

Having the right domain can strongly influence the success of a web project. If it’s short, concise, and catchy, it will be easier for potential visitors to remember. The most popular web addresses are usually already taken, but this doesn’t mean that you have to start looking…

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International SEO for multilingual sites

International SEO for multilingual sites

If you want your website to gain ground on the international stage, it’s crucial to offer your content in a range of languages. To make sure the different versions are just as good as the original, you’ll need more than basic translations though. With proper SEO measures in…

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Personal email domain: What is it and how to create an email address

Personal email domain: What is it and how to create an email address

A personal e-mail domain is a must in the commercial sphere. Conveying a professional image in your contact details will ensure that customers and businesses take you seriously. Find out about the advantages of having an individual mail domain and learn how to secure a personal…

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How to use persuasive communication in advertisingRawpixel.comshutterstock

How to use persuasive communication in advertising

Persuasive communication in advertising and marketing has the power to convince customers to buy or use a certain product or service. In our article, we’ll outline how effective persuasive communication appeals to the needs and interests of customers, and we’ll examine the…

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What is experiential marketing?

What is experiential marketing?

Experiential marketing can help you win new customers and strengthen connections with old ones. In order to create long-term connections with your customers, these events should be a positive experience that customers can associate with your brand. Experiential marketing can also…

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How to start selling jewelry online

How to start selling jewelry online

Selling jewelry and accessories online is one of the most successful verticals in e-commerce, next to electronics and clothing. And it’s not difficult to get started. What you need is a suitable platform, high-quality products, and a realistic plan. Here’s how to do it.

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