Data Protection

How to create a strong password

How to create a strong password

It only takes a few seconds for a hacker to gain access to your private data without you having any idea. More often than not, a password is the only means of protection when logging into online services; and if it is too obvious, it will not prove too much of a challenge for…

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What is the best password manager?wk1003mikeShutterstock

What is the best password manager?

Would you give your bank account pin number to a stranger? Certainly not. However, this is essentially just what you are doing if you don’t secure your online banking log-in with a password that can’t be figured out by hackers in a matter of seconds. In order to be able to create…

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How to turn off push notifications

How to turn off push notifications

Push notifications provide you with up-to-the minute information like messages and news updates. But if you have notifications activated for too many apps, you can quickly lose track of what’s going on. Luckily, it takes just a few clicks to deactivate unnecessary notifications.…

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How to turn on push notifications

How to turn on push notifications

Push notifications are a great way to stay up to date on app and website news. Enabling push notifications is a breeze if you know how to do it. Learn how to turn on push notifications on your browser and your apps in just a few clicks, and how to customize and manage your…

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How to recognize and remove malware

How to recognize and remove malware

Practically every PC user fears Trojan horses and computer viruses. Security is paramount if you are managing sensitive data or setting up a server. You need a comprehensive security concept to protect yourself against insidious malware. It’s helpful to know the different types…

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What to do if your email is hacked? Steps to follow asap

What to do if your email is hacked? Steps to follow asap

E-Mail accounts are one of our most important communication tools: we use them to register for online portals, for private and business exchanges, and as an organizer and digital address book. It is therefore all the more important to make sure your account is well-protected. But…

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How to use PGP encryption for email

How to use PGP encryption for email

Online privacy is a sensitive issue that affects experts and amateurs alike. Whether you’re posting on social networks, carrying out banking transactions, or buying from an online store, your data is not always sufficiently protected. The same applies to e-mails. Don’t let cyber…

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How to remove personal information from Google

How to remove personal information from Google

The internet never forgets – is it always true? In some cases, search engines are obliged to grant users permission to delete defamatory search results. If Google displays personal data that is outdated or of no interest to the public, users can request the search engine to…

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What are digital and analog data rooms?GaudiLabshutterstock

What are digital and analog data rooms?

In business acquisitions, mergers, real estate purchases and other important transactions, confidential documents usually have to be reviewed by all parties involved. Data rooms provide an appropriate framework for this. Find out how location-based and virtual data rooms work and…

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Online Identity Theft

Online Identity Theft

Many only know internet identity theft and similar crimes from movies or television. But stories of online fraudsters are not just mere phantasies of screenwriters; for many the experience is all too real. Online identity theft has become more and more of a problem over the past…

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