Use The Webalizer to Analyze Apache Web Logs
The Webalizer is a free, open source application for analyzing Apache log files. It provides highly detailed and configurable web usage reports in an HTML format which you can view in a browser. Learn how to install The Webalizer on a Cloud Server, and configure the server to automatically run this application at regular intervals in order to update the statistics.
- A Cloud Server with Linux (CentOS 7)
- Apache installed and running
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Apache is installed and running on a standard Linux installation by default. If your server was created with a minimum installation, you will need to install and configure Apache before you proceed.
Use Webalizer under CentOS 7
Update the server's installed packages:
Install The Webalizer:
Run The Webalizer to analyze the existing Apache log files:
By default, the report for the server's primary domain will be saved to /var/www/usage. In order to be able to view this in a browser, open the site's main Apache configuration file for editing:
Add the following alias:
Save and exit the file. Then restart Apache for the changes to take effect:
You will now be able to view The Webalizer reports at
Add The Webalizer to Cron
Cron is a Linux utility which runs commands at the specified intervals. Open the crontab file for editing:
Add the following line to this file to run the webalizer command once an hour:
Save and exit the file.