Searching YouTube comments for your own

The comment history offers you the possibility to search for your own YouTube comments and delete them if necessary. You can find the corresponding page by clicking on “History” on the homepage and then selecting the “Comments” option.

YouTube lets you search the comments

Provided that the comment function has been activated on a YouTube video, it is not only possible to watch the clip, but also to comment on it. You have the possibility to search YouTube comments for your own even afterwards. Thus, you can copy the corresponding comment, archive it, or even edit or delete it if necessary. Sometimes, however, it is not easy to keep track of everything, especially if you are very active on the YouTube video platform. In the following, we therefore provide step-by-step instructions.

How do I find my YouTube comments?: Step by step

The platform now offers a history that every user can view. This way, you can easily search YouTube comments for any you’ve previously made. For this, you only need to follow a few steps:

  1. First, visit the YouTube website. In order to post comments, you must have an account. Now log in with your account.
  2. On the homepage, you’ll find a menu bar with the “History” option on the left. Click on this to find your own comments on YouTube.
  3. Now you can see the last videos you watched in the middle. On the right side, there are some choices, starting with the YouTube option “Delete entire history”. In the penultimate place is the “Comments” option. Click on that as well.
  4. Now you will automatically be taken to a new Google page titled “Your YouTube comments”. On this one, you will see your comments in reverse chronological order.
  5. Another click will now take you to the comment of your choice.

Find comments directly via Google

You can also access the corresponding page directly via Google. To do this, simply click on the respective URL in the comment history. For this to work, you must log in to Google with your username.

Search comments on YouTube to delete them

Sometimes you want to not only find your own comments on YouTube, but also delete them directly. You also have this option. To do this, proceed as follows:

  1. First, undertake the above steps to get to the comment history.
  2. Click on the comment you want to delete. You will now be directed to the page of the corresponding video.
  3. Next to your comment you will find the “More” option. This is symbolized by three dots placed on top of each other. Click here as well.
  4. Now you have two options to choose from. By clicking “Edit” you can change your comment afterwards. By clicking “Delete”, the comment is removed from the page and can no longer be viewed by other users.

No direct search function in the app

The YouTube app does not have a comment history. However, you do have the option of searching YouTube comments on your smartphone and deleting them if necessary. To do this, simply open the browser version of the platform or click on the URL above, which will take you directly to the “Your YouTube comments” page.

Why are comments not displayed?

If you are wondering “why can’t I find my YouTube comments”? this way, there are two possible reasons. It may be that the video you originally commented on has already been deleted from the platform. As a result, all comments under it will also disappear. Even if only your comment has been removed from YouTube, it will no longer appear in your history. This happens, for example, if you violate the netiquette of the platform.

Conclusion: Searching YouTube comments for your own

Regardless of whether you only want to find your own comments on YouTube or also edit or delete them directly. The platform offers you this possibility in a few steps. Nevertheless, it is always important to think about the content of a comment before posting it. This is because users always have the option of using a screenshot to document if a commenter has written something offensive before deleting it. Particularly in a business environment, something like this can quickly result in a PR nightmare.

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