What does RTFM mean and how is it used?

Abbreviations such as LOL are popular on the internet. In this article, we delve into the meaning of the abbreviation RTFM, its origins, and when it’s appropriate to use it.

What does the RTFM abbreviation stand for?

Sometimes, there are questions that leave you wondering why someone would even ask them. These questions often contain a part of the answer that seems very obvious. In such cases, the person asking the question might receive a brief and direct “Really? RTFM!” as a response.

RTFM is an abbreviation for “Read the f*cking manual,” which is a blunt way of telling someone to consult the instruction manual before asking obvious questions. Typically, it’s used in a condescending or sarcastic manner, rather than as a genuine suggestion to read the manual.

What are the different variations of RTFM?

The letter “F” in RTFM can take on different meanings depending on the context. In some cases, it’s interpreted as “fine manual” or “friendly manual”.

In most cases, however, it will be f*cking manual, especially in the gaming community, which can sometimes be unwelcoming to newcomers, depending on the game. RTFM is often used to remind newcomers of their beginner status. In such instances, when beginners ask common questions about the basics or mechanics of a game, they may receive a RTFM response. However, this usually doesn’t come with a detailed or helpful answer.

Posting meme terms like RTFM is a way to highlight the perceived unnecessary nature of certain questions, particularly from players who consider themselves experienced or elite. Usually, using RTFM doesn’t breach the netiquette guidelines of games or forums, so those who use it typically don’t face consequences for their condescending behavior.

Origin and use of RTFM

The origin of the abbreviation RTFM has sparked various theories online. Some suggest it dates back to guides for cadets during World War II, while others associate it with manuals for printers in the 1980s. Different communities have their own speculations about when RTFM first appeared.

It is most likely that the beginnings date back to the early days of computer and software development when manuals held a significant role in technology usage. During that era, documentation was extensive and detailed, and users heavily relied on such information to understand and use the software as intended.

The abbreviation RTFM was probably first used in technical forums, mailing lists and discussion groups where users asked and answered technical questions. Experienced users often encountered questions that could easily have been solved by reading the existing documentation. The use of RTFM was thus a direct way of admonishing those who made obvious rookie mistakes or didn’t take the time to study the information provided.

Over time, the short form has become a widespread meme and is not only used in more technocratic communities such as programming or gaming. It has spread to a wide variety of areas where people ignore tips, guides or easy-to-find FAQs.

Context and connection of RTFM

Occasionally, RTFM is combined with other chat abbreviations or emojis that convey a similar message. Examples of this are “STFW” (Search the F*cking Web) or “LMGTFY” (Let me Google that for you). These abbreviations indicate to search the internet for answers first before asking others for help.


Abbreviations and terms such as RTFM, together with other memes, are a form of expression that some users take to extremes. When it comes to trolling, the goal isn’t to engage in genuine conversation but rather to provoke or annoy other users.

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