Index management with robots.txt files
Professional website operators generally aim to make their sites more visible for search engines. One requirement for this is making sure that all URLs can be read by search bots and then properly indexed. While this may sound like a simple task, it must be noted that search engines only rarely fully crawl websites. Even Google’s capacities for gathering and storing website content are limited. Instead, every domain is allotted a certain crawling budget, which determines how many URLS are read out and, if necessary, indexed. Operators of large websites are advised to tackle this topic in a strategic manner by signaling to search bots which areas of a given page should be crawled and which pages should be ignored. Important tools for index management include: robots data in meta tags, canonical tags, redirects as well as the file robots.txt, which is what this tutorial is about.
What is robot.txt?
robots.txt is a text file that’s stored in the root directory of a domain. By blocking some or all search robots from selected parts of a site, these files allow website operators to control search engines’ access to websites. The information found in the robots.txt file refers to the entire directory tree. This latter aspect sets this indexing management tool significantly apart from meta robot data and redirects, which are only applicable for special HTML documents. The word ‘block’ should be given special attention in this context. Search engines interpret robot.txt files merely as a guideline; this means that it can’t force any specific crawling behavior upon search engines. Google and other large search engines claim that they heed these instructions. However, the only way to prevent any unwarranted access from occurring is by implementing strong password protection measures.
Creating a robot.txt
In order to give search bots access to individual crawling guidelines, a pure text file has to be named ‘robots.txt’ and then stored in the domain’s root directory. If, for example, crawling guidelines for the domain,, are to be defined, then the robots.txt needs to be stored in the same directory as When accessed over the internet, this file could be found as follows: If the hosting model for the website doesn’t offer access to the server’s root directory, and instead only to a subfolder (e.g., then implementing indexing management with a robots.txt file isn’t possible. Website operators setting up a robots.txt should use a pure text editor, like vi (Linux) or notpad.exe (Windows); when carrying out a FTP transfer, it’s also important to make sure that the file’s transferred in ASCII mode. Online, the file can be created with a robot.txt generator. Given that syntax errors can have devastating effects on a web project’s indexing, it’s recommended to test the text file prior to uploading it. Google’s search console offers a tool for this.
robots.txt structure
Every robots.txt text contains records that are composed of two parts. The first part is introduced with the keyword, user agent, and addresses a search bot that can be given instructions in the second part. These instructions deal with rules for crawling bans. Initiated by the keyword, disallow, these commands then go on to name a directory or multiple files. The result is the following basic structure:
The robot.txt in the example above only applies to web crawlers with the name, ‘Googlebot‘, and ‘prohibits’ it from reading out the directory /temp/ and the file, news. Additionally, all files and directories with paths beginning with print are also blocked. Notice here how disallow: /temp/ and disallow: /print can only be differentiated from one another (in terms of syntax) by a missing slash (/) at the end; this is responsible for a considerably different meaning in the robots.txt’s syntax.
Inserting comments
robot.txts file can be supplemented with comments, if needed. These are then labeled with a preceding hashtag.
Addressing multiple user agents
Should multiple user agents be addressed, then the robots.txt can contain any number of blocks written in accordance with its structure:
While Google’s web crawler is prohibited to search through the directory, /temp/, the Bing bot is prevented from crawling /print/.
Addressing all user agents
Should a certain directory or file for all web crawlers need to be blocked, then an asterisk (*) indicating a wildcard for all users is implemented.
The robots.txt file blocks the directories /temp/, /print/ and /pictures/ for all web crawlers.
Excluding all directories from indexing
Should a website need to completely block all users agents, then just a slash after the keyword, disallow, is needed.
All web crawlers are instructed to ignore the entire website. Such robot.txt files can be used, for example, for web projects that are still undergoing their test phases.
Allowing indexing for all directories
Web operators can allow search bots to be able to crawl and index entire websites by applying the keyword, disallow, without a slash:
If the robot.txt file contains a disallow without a slash, then the entire website is freely available to the web crawlers defined under user agent.
Command | Example | Function |
user agent: | User agent: Googlebot | Address a specific web crawler |
user agent: | Address all web crawlers | |
disallow: | disallow: | The entire website can be crawled |
disallow: / | The entire site is blocked | |
disallow: /directory/ | A specific directory is blocked | |
disallow: /file.html | A specific file is blocked | |
disallow: /example | All directories and files with paths beginning with example are blocked. |
Further functions
In addition to the de facto-standard functions listed above, search engines also support some additional parameters that allow content to be presented in the robots.txt.
The following functions can be found on Google’s support section. They are based on an agreement made with Microsoft and Yahoo!.
Defining exceptions
In addition to disallow, Google also supports allow, a further keyword in the robots.txt, which enables exceptions for blocked directories to be defined.
The keyword, allow, enables the file, "", to be read by the Google bot despite the fact that the higher-ranking directory, news, is blocked.
Blocking files with specific endings
Website operators wishing to prevent Google bots from reading out files with specific endings can use datasets according to the following example:
The keyword disallow refers to all the files ending with .pdf and protects these Google from bots. The asterisk symbol (*) functions as a wildcard for the domain name. This entry is then completed with a dollar sign, which serves as a line-ending anchor.
Referring web crawlers to site maps
In addition to controlling crawling behavior, robots.txt files also allow search bots to be referred to a website’s sitemap. A robot.txt with a sitemap reference can be called into action as follows:
Command | Example | Function |
allow: | allow: /example.html | The entered file or directory cannot be crawled |
disallow: /*…$ | disallow: /*.jpg$ | Files with certain endings are blocked |
sitemap: | sitemap: | The XML sitemap is found under the entered address |